Army Combative Field Manual

(Rated 11 times)

At a glance..

This Army combative technique field manual, number 21-50, highlights chapter four, which features medium-range combatives. With step-by-step, illustrated instructions, this guide will teach soldiers the art of self-defense and physical combat.

The details..

FM 21-150 is a comprehensive guide to combatives, or hand-to-hand combat techniques used by the United States military forces during close quarter battles (CQB). The book covers everything from basic strikes to more advanced tactics such as joint locks, throws, chokes and ground fighting skills. It also provides detailed instructions on how to use weapons effectively at short range.

The book contains information about vital targets that can be exploited when engaging an opponent in CQB; these include areas of the head, neck and torso which are particularly vulnerable if struck with sufficient force or accuracy. Additionally it discusses medium range combative tactics such as punches, elbows knees and kicks as well as using peripheral vision to identify potential targets quickly.

It also includes advice on psychological warfare including intimidation through body language before physical contact takes place; this could involve making oneself appear bigger than one actually is or adopting aggressive postures designed to unsettle opponents prior to engagement taking place.

Overall FM 21-150 serves not only as a practical guide but also an invaluable reference source for anyone interested in learning effective self defence methods.

Resource Info

Page count: 27
Size: 603kb
File Type: pdf


Survival Skills
Defensive Skills
Environment Setting
Health and Fitness
Time Available
Finances Available